KRB5-CONFIG(1) BSD General Commands Manual KRB5-CONFIG(1) NAME krb5-config — give information on how to link code against Heimdal libraries SYNOPSIS krb5-config [--prefix[=dir]] [--exec-prefix[=dir]] [--libs] [--cflags] [libraries] DESCRIPTION krb5-config tells the application programmer what special flags to use to compile and link programs against the libraries installed by Heimdal. Options supported: --prefix[=dir] Print the prefix if no dir is specified, otherwise set prefix to dir. --exec-prefix[=dir] Print the exec-prefix if no dir is specified, otherwise set exec- prefix to dir. --libs Output the set of libraries that should be linked against. --cflags Output the set of flags to give to the C compiler when using the Heimdal libraries. By default krb5-config will output the set of flags and libraries to be used by a normal program using the krb5 API. The user can also supply a library to be used, the supported ones are: krb5 (the default) gssapi use the krb5 gssapi mechanism kadm-client use the client-side kadmin libraries kadm-server use the server-side kadmin libraries SEE ALSO cc(1) HISTORY krb5-config appeared in Heimdal 0.3d. HEIMDAL November 30, 2000 HEIMDAL